€ 4.00 (+IVA)

Hair Bleaches Lighteners
SENSOR SYSTEM - the permanent with the computer
SENSOR SYSTEM - la permanente con il computer
Permanent absolutely innovative because the result of the synergy between the chemical research and computer science. A technology -free sour alkaline agents, it does not alter the cuticle, the cortex does not swell or damage the keratin. Create movement and the support required due to the control of computer science which completely manages the process of ripple actively checking the 5 main variables that influence the activity of the reducer (reducer concentration, pH, temperature, exposure time, porosity).
SENSOR PERM - acid pH 6.9
For all your hair in good condition : bleached, streaked, colored or natural
SENSOR SUPREME - acid pH 6.9
For all fragile or sensitized hair : natural, colored, streaked or bleached
SENSOR VOLUME - acid pH 6.5
For short or medium-length hair : natural, colored, streaked or bleached
box: kit dose
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